
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Youtube 101: How to use Youtube Audio Library

Youtube 101: How to use Youtube Audio Library

  Youtube added a while ago a Audio library where you can download royalty free music on Youtube to use on your videos.

Here is how to download the songs:

Step 1: Go to creator studio .

Step 2: Click Create.

Step 3:
Choose your song or sound effect.

Step 4: Click the download button as shown in the photo below.

  A window will appear and you can download the song to your desktop or the location of your choice. 

    You can also choose the star to save the song to favorites and download it later.

   These songs are royalty free meaning you don't get in trouble or any copyright strikes on your account for using those songs. It's the safe way to add audio to your videos and you don't get in trouble. 

  The songs are donated by other Youtubers that give Youtube the permission to add the songs for others to use for free. The person who donates the songs gets no money or anything in exchange. You donate the songs out of kindness.

   I have donated 2 songs but the approval process takes a while. I can't wait to have my songs on the audio library for you and everyone to enjoy =).

More Youtube 101 post's and videos coming soon too!.

Thank you for visiting!