Sunday, April 20, 2014


This page contains all the social media where you can find me at and if you want you can follow me , I follow back.


   Want me to review and promote your product?

Sponsorship Contact Form:

If you are a brand , small business , big company , or seller and you would like for me to try and promote your products across all my social media please fill out this form:

I will reply to your email with in 3 days , if you don't hear back from me in 3 days please fill out the form again or contact me on social media.

Thank you so much =)!

                           Events & Interviews:

  Want me to cover an event ? no problem! ^^
If it's a local event in the state of Florida please include this information.

* Brand / company name.
* Date and time of the event please be specific.
* Name , number and email to contact.

   If the event is international ( or national but in another state). Please include this information:

* Brand / company name
* Contact information: name and email.
* Date / Time
* Footage you would like me to use and information I should mention on the video.
Contact me via social media.

★ My Youtube Channel:★

❤ This Channel is about Entertainment, Tutorials DIY, Fashion,Crafts,Makeup, beauty , cooking , Kawaii, Music, Kpop, Jrock , Hauls, Events, Traveling, Video Games plus Subscriber Giveaways!❤ 

❤ Everything in one place channel.❤ 

❤ Machinima Partner since January 18th, 2013.❤

★⋰⋱☆⋰★Subscriber Giveaways★⋰⋱☆⋰⋱★
Every Wednesday and Sunday I'll be hosting subscriber giveaways online & mail.

All subscriber giveaways are for everyone around the world , as long as you are subscribed and stay subscribed you can participate any time. If you unsubscribe you can't participate.

My official website:

★My Google plus + page:★

Stay updated on videos , blogs , plus special photos of creations , products , and food ^^.

★ My Twitter:★

Stay updated on my videos , blogs , promotions and more!

★My Facebook page:★

Stay updated to  videos , blog , promotions , and more!

Check out my pin boards!
★My Pinterest:★

Kawaii Tumblr for all things kawaii!

★ My Tumblr:★

★ My Oriental blog★Chinese Japanese , Korean.

  Oriental blog in Chinese , Japanese , Korean languages. It's all about Oriental culture such as food , fashion , art , beauty , music  Kpop , Jrock and more. Blog post defines the culture in the following countries; China , Japan , South Korea.

★ Mio blog Italiano★

Blog in Italian language is all about Italian culture such as food , art , travel , fashion and more!. I made this blog because my family is from Potenza , Italy and it's a way for me to express my roots.

If you would like to subscribe to my Youtube channel and follow my blogs and Google plus page you can do the following:

* You don't need to have a youtube channel to subscribe , you can also subscribe if you have Gmail , Google plus , or any Google service since Google made the changes into all in one now you can subscribe to Youtube channels , follow blogs on blogger , and follow on Google plus as well.

* If you don't have any Google service
 ( Youtube , Gmail , Google plus , blogger , ectr.) You can follow my blog by email , on the right side hand of this blog you can enter your email and every time I update my blog you will receive a notification on your inbox. This is done with feed burner meaning I don't see who subscribed by email and I don't see your email address either everything is totally private.

All the links are provided above and on the right hand side of this blog.

Thank you for visiting!