Halloween Monster Masquerade Makeup PinkyParadise Lenses:
Price: $22.90
Coupon code : electrofries
By entering this coupon code:
1. Customers entitle a FREE cute animal lens case PLUS mystery gift
2. The coupon code can be stacked, If you purchase 3 pairs, you will get 3 lens cases plus 3 mystery gifts.
3. A minimum of 1 pair of circle lens purchased to activate the code.
4. The code has no expired dates :)
Code: Halloween2014Sabrina
Amount:50% off
The coupon code only valid from 26th September till 6th October 2014.
Makeup Look:
Costume Idea:
Spooky look for Halloween goes perfect with;
* Lace dress in black.
* Stockings.
* Black boots or heels.
* Black and red accessories.
The Pinkyparadise package includes:
* 1 Pair of contact color lenses.
* 1 Kawaii animal lens case.
* 1 Mystery gift 2 hair accessories to hold your hair down.
Product ratings:
Condition of the package:★★★★★5
Condition of the lenses:★★★★★5
Condition of the bottles:★★★★★5
Easy to wear:★★★★★5
Quality: ★★★★★5
Inside look of the bottle of the lenses:
Outside look:
Before and After looks:
Makeup I used for this look:
* Black eye shadow
* Black cream makeup
*Black lipstick and lipgloss
* Red lipstick
* Creamy eye shadow
* PinkyParadise Blossom green lenses:
The tutorial is not that complicated , you just have to draw lines and different shapes with a sponge.
For the neck you have to draw 4 lines and then little lines in the opposite way. That give the monster look.
For the lips just use black lipstick and lipgloss on top. For the bottom use red lipstick and then on the sides use black lip gloss to give an effect.
Watch tutorial HD here to see step by step how to get the look:
Thank you Pinkyparadise for sending me the product I loved it!.It's a pleasure to work with you.

Remember to use the coupon on your purchase.
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